maandag 19 april 2010

On leadership #1

On Leaderschip

Leadership is an invisible strand
as mysterious as it is powerful. It pulls and it bonds.
It is a catalyst that creates unity out of disorder.
Yet, it defies definition. No combination
of talents can guarantee it. No process or training
can create it where the spark does not exist.

The qualities of leadership are universal:
They are found in the poor and the richt, the humble
and the proud, the common man, and the brilliant
thinker; they are qualities that suggest paradox
rather than pattern. But wherever they are found
leadership makes things happen.

The most precious and intangible quality
of leadership is trust - the confidence that the one
who leads will act in the best interest of those
who follow - the assurance that he will serve the group
without sacrificing the rights of the individual.

Leadership's imperative is a 'sense of rightness'
- knowing when to advance and when to pause, when to
criticize and when to praise, how to encourage others
to excel. From the leader's reserves of energy
and optimism, his followers draw strength. In his
determination and self-confidence, they find inspiration.

In its highest sense, leadership is integrity.
This command by conscience asserts itself more
by commitment and example than by directive. Integrity
recognizes external obligations, but it heeds
the quiet voice within, rather than the clamour without.

Copyright 1974, International Business Machines

I believe there is more leadership in you and me
than we use,
than we know,
than we can imagine.


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